Current Projects

  • Beyond Yellingbo

    The Beyond Yellingbo project has been successful in engaging more than 100 properties, protecting and restoring over 300 hectares of high conservation value remnant vegetation along the Woori Yallock Creek. Partners on this project are The Friends of Helmeted Honeyeater, Monbulk Landcare, Macclesfield Landcare and Johns Hill Landcare.

  • Wandering Trad & Smut Fungus

    The CSIRO commenced this project in partnership with Monbulk Landcare and ran workshops about the biological control of the weed Wandering Trad in 2019. The invasion of Wandering Trad is associated with significant reductions in native vegetation diversity and degraded ecosystems, especially in sensitive riparian areas.

  • Seed Collecting

    The Seed Collecting team follows a ‘Community of Practice’ model where information is shared and knowledge is developed through experience in the field and over time. The team collects around 80 species that are vital for vegetation regeneration projects across the Nangana landscape area.

  • Sustainable Agriculture Field Days

    Member groups promote and run regular workshops demonstating good and best practice on sustainable land management topics such as farm planning, fence repairs, birds on farms and managing mud. These are very practical, hosted on member properties, and incorporate discussion on pasture, weed, pest animals and livestock management.

  • Emerald Cemetery

    The Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust plans to develop the Emerald Cemetery - southern site. This site will be a place of inclusion and rememberance, that nutures community connections, and is a sanctuary where cultural and environmental vales are respected, preserved and enhanced.

  • Horse Property Management

    The Yarra Valley Equestrian Landcare Group provides educational material, such as, workshops, farm walks, online resources and discussion groups, that are specific for equine landowners and managers. They cover topics such as fencing, pasture management, dung beetles, parasite management, soil improvement, equine health and welfare, health and safety, bushfire preparedness.

  • Dung Beetle Monitoring

    The Yarra Valley Dung Beetle Monitoring project was initiated by the Yarra Valley Equestrian Landcare Group in order to raise awareness of the importance and benefits of dung beetles to soil management and horsekeeping. The monitoring took place on twenty horse properties across the Yarra Valley which resulted in 9 different dung beetle species being found. Further project stages will coordinate the distribution of suitable but absent species across the Yarra Valley.

  • Weed Research

    Community concern about roadside weeds, which spread to and from private land, lead to engaging with the community to improve environmental weed management. This research is a result of a successful partnership between Cardinia Shire Council and Johns Hill Landcare Group. The idea grew from a Doug McKenzie-Mohr Fostering Sustainable Behaviour workshop. The methodology, which used social marketing, provided the template. Collaboration by Council and Landcare is an important factor when working with the community to act on environmental weed management on private land. Key findings concluded: neighbourhood based programs have been shown to be effective in changing behaviour but need skilled facilitators, sources of expertise, and ongoing funding.