Our History

Nangana Landcare Network formed in 2021. Our member groups bring more than 100 years of organized environmental experience to the Network. We worked together on our first landscape scale project Beyond Yellingbo which engaged over 100 properties to protect and restore in excess of 300 hectares of high conservation value remnant vegetation suitable for Helmeted Honeyeaters and Leadbeater’s Possums.

Between us we have contributed to the quadrupling of the Helmeted Honeyeater population; to saving the habitat of the Leadbeater’s Possum; and to developing a biological control for wandering trad. We have researched dung beetles and behavioural change for weeding; collected seeds and managed a nursery to grow them; and planted many hectares over thirty years.

We envisaged a State Faunal Emblems Reserve which, through many years of voluntary bureaucratic and committee work with government agencies, is now the Liwik Barring Landscape Conservation Area.

In the future Nangana Landcare Network will flourish as a resilient and interconnected community, committed to stewardship and sustainability.

Our Values

Curiosity and Collaboration

Depth of Knowledge

Excellent Governance

Our Priorities

Protect and improve biodiversity on a landscape-scale

Develop community engagement

Secure adequate human and financial resources